Who: Tris, Remus Where: bleachers by the pitch When: after dark Rating: PG
Status: Closed, completed Summary: Tris is out on the bleachers being angsty and emo when Remus has the bad luck to come across him. Tris, in a snit, effectively breaks up with Remus, citing some dumbass reasons before he wanders off to go cry.
Who: Remus, Tonks Where: Quidditch Pitch When: Afternoon time Rating: PG-13, to be safe, and depending on who makes an appearance.
Status: Closed / Finished Summary: Remus wanders in the direction of the Quidditch Pitch, looking for Tristan to talk to him about the issues with Angua the other day which he isn't sure have been resolved yet, and
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Who: Sirius, James, Lily, Laurel, Ice, Severus Where: Pitch, town hall When: Late afternoon Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed, completed Summary: Sirius, despite his chaos-induced condition, heads out to the pitch to fly. James shows up to fly as well, and the boys chat for a bit - once it's established that James is not, in fact, Harry as he appears
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